Products : Kifco Water Reels : Kifco Lineup

Kifco Lineup

Kifco Water reels Performance Chart

Model Tube ID / Length Irrigated Width Irrigated Length Acres Per Run Drive System GPM Range Inlet PSI Range Booster Pump Options
E110 1.1" x 280' 58 - 110' 309 - 335' 0.4 - 0.9 Electric Motor 3-26 23 - 100 1 HP Electric
B110 1.1" x 280' 78 - 110' 319 - 335' 0.6 - 0.9 Bellows 10-26 51 - 100 1 HP Electric
B140 1.4" x 350' 120 - 160' 410 - 440' 1.2 - 2.0 Bellows 25 - 60 50 - 117 5HP / 9HP
T180 1.8" x 380' 125 - 180' 449 - 478' 1.1 - 2.5 Turbine* 25 - 102 50 - 150 5HP / 9HP
T200 S 2.0" x 320' 148 - 218' 394 - 435' 1.1 - 2.4 Turbine* 25 - 143 50 - 150 5HP / 9HP
E200 SST 2.0" x 320' 121 - 198' 380 - 419' N/A Engine 52 - 168 50 - 150 5HP / 9HP
T200 L 2.0" x 580' 138 - 191' 649 - 676' 2.3 - 3.2 Turbine* 47 - 115 55 - 140 5HP / 9HP
T200 LSC 2.0" x 580' 138 - 191' 649 - 676' 2.3 - 3.2 Turbine 47 - 115 N/A 23 HP
T210 2.1" x 400' 154 - 218' 469 - 511' 1.6 - 2.8 Turbine* 47 - 140 55 - 140 5HP / 9HP

* These models are also available in engine drive.
** The E200SST is specifically designed to cool, rinse and condition synthetic turf in as little as 25 minutes
*** The T200LSC is a self-contained irrigation and primary pump system for use with open water sources (ponds, creeks, etc.)
