Pod & Sprinkler
  • Pod & Sprinkler

K-Line is designed to fit any size or shape field and a variety of crops and situations. Various factors impact the number of required "sets" and the appropriate irrigation interval on each piece of property. Some of these factors include environment/geographic location, evapotranspiration rate, terrain, soil type, and crop.

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Every property and every irrigation situation is unique. However, there are standard features to consider when evaluating every situation to ensure your crops receive the right amount of supplemental water, at the right time, without over-irrigating and wasting valuable time, energy, and water. Some of these factors include...

  • Size & Shape of Irrigated Parcel
  • Geographic Location / Environment
  •  Crop
  • Evapotranspiration (ET) Rate (combination of simultaneous evaporation and transpiration from a field)
  • Soil Moisture Holding Capacity
  • Land Topography