Connected Crops
  • Connected Crops
  • Connected Crops
  • Connected Crops

Real-time monitoring of soil moisture status and temperature variance in your fields can help you significantly increase yields and quality of your crops. When receiving immediate and timely information right to your smartphone, or computer, your decision-making at the field level moves to a whole new level of accuracy and effectiveness, aiding in risk aversion and ultimately increasing your ROI (Return on Investment).

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ConnectedCropsTM advanced wireless technology empowers the grower to head off these potential problems,and make timely management decisions that maximize their return on investment. The Weather Station gathers key weather and soil moisture data from in-field locations and transmits it in real time to your handheld smartphone, as well as to the ConnectedCrops Mobile  App loaded right on your device

Having the power of this information takes much of the ‘guesswork’ out of so many decisions at the field level. Temperature Inversion, Soil Moisture Levels, Frost Prevention, Irrigation Scheduling, Growing Degree Day Data, and more can all be managed and manipulated so as to maximize the returns from your irrigation scheduling, frost prevention equipment, integrated pest management monitoring, and timeliness of field operations.